Projekta Rezultāti

After 22 hours of flying, I arrived in Nairobi, Africa at 10:00 on Thursday evening, May 27th. That was about noon in Houston, where I began my journey. I was met at the airport by Bishop Francis Thuku and his wife, Pastor Emma Wairimu, the Head of Gentle Ministries International, Africa. We spent the night in a hotel in Nairobi and Friday morning rose early to drive 10 hours to Kimilili, Kenya, the home of Bishop Thuku and Pastor Emma. On the way, we passed over the Equator! On Saturday morning, we drove to a nearby town and purchased the sewing machines and computers for which the Latvian Evangelical Lutheran Church in America donated money. They now have six sewing machines in the Gentle Rescue Center. These are just two of the sewing machines. There are six in a small room. The totes hung behind them are the ladies creations.

The computers have paved the way for several people to find jobs and support their families. The same is true of the sewing machines purchased with the donated money.
The women have formed a co-op, (I call the co-op, The Ladies of Kimilili) earning enough for each woman to help their families financially, plus purchase fabric, thread, lace, and other necessities for their co-op. And as people learn of their success, more women are coming to the Rescue Center to learn the art of tailoring. Several women have been able to open their own shops to provide for their families. They use the rescue center's sewing machines.

Men and women continue to come to the Gentle Rescue Center to learn computer skills. It has become a sort of unofficial adult education and ministering center in Kimilili.

Zion Latvian Evangelical Lutheran Church in Chicago also donated funds toward the sewing machines and computers. They also bought 5 much needed sets of sheets for the Gentle Rescue Center. The sheets were of high quality, soft colors, and soft fabric! Besides teaching tailoring and computer skills, Bishop Francis Thuku and Pastor Emma Wairimu minister to adult victims of childhood sexual abuse. 3 private bedrooms are setup to house those who need a place to stay as they heal.

I do not think that I can adequately express the gratitude of those who come to the rescue center! Your generosity has provided ways for those living in Kimilili and surrounding areas to provide for their families, as well as comfort when healing from a traumatic past. Everyone was so encouraged that white people cared enough about them to help provide much needed tools to help them live a better life. One man, who had given up on God, said that he did not know that white people could care for them so much. He began going back to church and his faith in God was strengthened.

While I was in Kenya, we graduated 5 classes from the Gentle Ministries School of Ministry in several villages. There were around 60 adult graduates who can now minister to adult survivors of childhood sexual abuse. Each graduate received a T-shirt with the Gentle Ministries International logo on the front and "Ministering to Victims of Sexual Abuse" written on the back, a certificate of graduation, and a Bible. For many of the graduates, this was the first Bible they had ever owned. One graduate was 60 &years old, and it was her first Bible. She was so very proud to finally own one.

The Bible's were also donated by Laura Lazda, her mother Mara Lazda and my daughter, Erin Lesher. We did not realize the impact those Bibles would have on the graduates.

Gentle Ministries International is a small ministry. We are only 6 years old, but we have taught classes in ministering to adults who were sexually abused when they were children in many villages in Kenya and several in Uganda. The impact we have had on the communities where classes have been taught and people ministered to has had a huge impact!

People are getting spiritually and emotionally healed; more people are talking about sexual abuse; some Satanic tribal customs are giving way to Christian thoughts and beliefs; blame aimed at the victim of sexual abuse, is more and more bring placed on the abuser, where it belongs; churches are helping the victims of sexual crimes; people are seeing that God has not forgotten about them; and, most importantly, many are realizing that Jesus is the only way to Father God.

Because of your generosity, faith has been strengthened; some are better able to earn a living; those hurting can sleep more comfortably as they heal; and more are experiencing the love that God has for them. This is what the Body of Christ does, and Gentle Ministries International thanks you for sacrificing so that others may have a better life and come to know the love of God.

Gratefully yours,
Pastor Aggie DeJesus
Founder, Gentle Ministries International

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